Your partner for printing.

We offer you these services in the field of polygraphic industry:

Type - setting:

pre-press on MAC, PC
processing layouts from your data media
developing layout according to customer's suggestions
creation of graphic design


offsetprinting up to format B2 (500x707mm)
printed material: paper from 40g/m2 to 300g/m2
from single-colored to full-colored doublesided printing

Finishing Services:

cutting, folding, BIGOVANIE, glueing
bind V1 – sewned, V2 – glued
books, brochures, blocks

We produce:

heading paper, business cards, leaflets, commercial prints, directoverwritaing paper, paper adhesive labels, brochures, annual reports, books, announcements, calendars, invitations, prospects, posters, printing of postal envelopes

Tlačiareň R.L.S spol.s r.o.
Luhačovická 12
821 04 Bratislava
Slovenská republika

Opening hours:
Mo-Fr : 7.00 - 16.00
(under orders)
Business data:
IČO : 36 358 436
DIČ: 2022185594
IČ DPH : SK2022185594

Zapíané v Obchodnom registri
Okresného súdu Bratislava I.
odiel:Sro.,čislo vložky: 40547/B


mobile: +421 905 659 528

53, 63, 65, 67, 204, 205